Book a Virtual Digital Magician

Book a Virtual Digital Magician

Book a Virtual Digital Magician

What will the magic show consist of, and will there be any participatory components? Our magician will perform an interactive body trick involving the audience members' arms to kick off the online show. Then he can include a few of the following: - A game of interactive questions and answers - A prediction and mentalism piece that is interactive and uses envelopes - A visual street magic trick using cups and a ball - A visual magic trick using a ball and the iPad - An interactive card trick - An interactive choice game with a keyword and a celebrity chosen by the audience - - A visual trick with a cup and a kiwi - An iPad trick with cards as the props A wow-factor forecast and a visual trick using toilet paper and money He can also make your business card float in the air, make a glass go through a table, and mind-read any book! How long is the show, exactly? The length of the digital magic show can range from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your needs. 3. Can the performance be pre-recorded or streamed live? Yes, your show can be live streamed using only one camera, or in about two weeks, our magician can record your pre-recorded presentation using two cameras. 4. Where will the programme be shot? A single camera and expert lighting will be used to capture the live or recorded show in our magician's professional studio. 5. On what platform can the programme be broadcast? You can watch the magic show live on Zoom, Teams, or Webex. What platforms are prohibited from hosting the show? Skype is not preferred by our magician. 7. Is there a needed minimum or maximum for the real-time virtual show? There is no maximum necessary; however, there is a minimum of 6 participants, which may be restricted to the platform you select. Will our visitors require anything in order to participate? Several commonplace items, like a glass, a book, a pen, a penny, and a card, will be needed by your guests. Prior to the event, you'll receive a kit list. 9. Can the show be personalised for my business? Yes, our magician may integrate logos, phrases, and even make your things pop out of the iPad on his iPad.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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