Book Kim Perell

Book Kim Perell

Book Kim Perell

Kim Perell is a popular author, CEO, angel investor, and award-winning entrepreneur whose life story inspires and motivates those to whom she gives keynote addresses. When Kim was 23, she lost her job, but by the time she was 30, she had become a multi-millionaire after selling her final business for more than $200,000,000,000. She provides insightful and beneficial keynote speeches for corporate organisations and start-ups using her specialist knowledge in business and management, leadership and motivation, marketing, the future and technology, and entrepreneurship. Kim's work has gained acclaim on a global scale; she was named one of AdAge's Marketing Technology Trailblazers, one of Business Insider's Most Powerful Women in Mobile Advertising, and the National Association of Female Executives' Entrepreneur of the Year. Additionally, she is the best-selling author of The Execution Factor, a guide to success. As a keynote speaker, Kim uses her personal experiences to encourage and inspire businesses to succeed. She will give presentations for corporate organisations on subjects including the fact that execution makes the difference between success and failure and innovation via execution, among other related subjects.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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