Katy Perry Tribute Nicki

Katy Perry Tribute Nicki

Katy Perry Tribute Nicki

Nicki provides a fun-filled concert replete with highly trained BubbleGum Dancers for a genuinely authentic touch, expertly recreating Katy Perry's wide vocal range and limitless enthusiasm to give you the full Katy Perry experience.
Nicki is able to play as if she were a genuine international celebrity because to her professional training and extensive experience performing at places all around the world. The attention to detail will make guests think they're seeing the genuine deal with an astonishing variety of costume changes, wigs, and makeup.
Nicki, who is curvy and cheerful, will captivate audiences in her vibrant, sensual costumes, making sure that her outstanding Katy Perry tribute show is a vocal and visual spectacular that attendees will remember for years to come.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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