Mobile Wind Tunnel | Bodyflight Simulator | Flying Simulator Munich

Mobile Wind Tunnel | Bodyflight Simulator | Flying Simulator Munich

Mobile Wind Tunnel | Bodyflight Simulator | Flying Simulator Munich

Are you all set to take off?
Visitors can enjoy a completely new, stunning degree of fun through bodyflying! Participants can virtually fly anywhere and at any time with the help of this portable wind tunnel.
The participant is lifted "weightlessly" into the air by an airflow of more than 180 km/h while being watched over by a responsible party. Bodyflying offers hours of enjoyment while simulating skydiving.
No prior flying experience is necessary because the instructors will thoroughly prepare you for your flying lesson. More seasoned climbers can effortlessly reach heights of several metres. Even "professionals" can jump more than 15 metres!
This mobile wind tunnel could be exactly what you need - all in a cutting-edge mobile format - whether you are looking for a new adventure for guests, want to give your adrenaline-hooked members a new core building experience, or have skydivers looking for an easy-access, low-cost training option.
Enjoy your flight by allowing yourself to be carried!

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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