Hire Motivational Speaker Joze

Hire Motivational Speaker Joze

Hire Motivational Speaker Joze

After avoided speaking for the majority of his childhood owing to a crippling stutter, Joze is now a well-liked inspirational speaker for both live and virtual events and is fluent in English, Spanish, and French. Joze can also be hired as a corporate stand-up comedian; view his profile on this page for more information. What happens during a Joze's virtual performance? Joze will broadcast his address live via Zoom or another video conferencing system (although he does have the option to produce a pre-recorded video if you would prefer). Joze will open with a joke and share his own motivational narrative with the online audience after being introduced by the event MC, similar to an in-person keynote address. В He will discuss the idea that everyone has a "stutter" of some sort or something that restricts them in life and share his methods for personal transformation so that audience members can apply them to their own situations. Joze uses humour to engage the audience in all of his presentations, but his virtual show varies in that he also incorporates interactive elements to give viewers a more complete experience. Joze will conclude the session with a brief Q&A during which participants can ask Joze questions in the chat window of the online platform or through the event moderator. 2. Can the virtual shows be altered? Absolutely! Joze will inquire about the usual difficulties encountered by the audience members or the difficulties experienced by your particular industry before the performance. He will then tailor his speech to your particular event using the information you have provided. He'll also be interested in learning about the event's goals, such as whether you want participants to go home inspired or with a particular message about diversity in the workplace. Once more, he will adjust his performance to ensure that this is accomplished. Joze features a variety of background settings, including green screen technology, available when performing remotely. This indicates that he can also include your company's trademark or logo in the video broadcast. 3. How interactive is Joze's online programme? В Of course! To communicate with event attendees and create a really immersive experience, he employs a variety of interactive techniques. Depending on the subject, the number of guests, and the time allotted for his performance, he may ask the audience to respond to specific questions via a live chat feature on an online platform, through live polls, by asking the guests to express their agreement with certain statements visually, and through a Q&A session at the conclusion of the show.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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