Book Out Of The Box Video Mapping

Book Out Of The Box Video Mapping

Book Out Of The Box Video Mapping

An incredible journey that entirely disproves the ideas of thinking "within the box" versus "outside the box" and leads us to the realisation that there is no box. and was never.
An exiled imagineer and digital poet. This gifted artist is self-taught and completely self-supported in order to produce inventive videos, live performances, illustrations, characters, and worlds in a future history of whimsy, technology, dance, and circus arts in a Victorian era hyperspace realm.
This captivating video mapping performance aims to encourage everyone's everyday eccentricity, strong curiosity, non-conformity, whimsy, and inventiveness. the latest odd.
He won first place and two honourable mention awards in the "Les Talons Hauts" creativity competition held by Cirque du Soleil. Additionally, they won first and second place in the AKROBATIKA filmmaking competition held by the La Rpublique Internationale des Arts in 2012.
This obscure and unusual performance combines skillfully planned movements with video and light, which is sure to make everyone stop and think.
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