Book A Virtual Social Justice Speaker

Book A Virtual Social Justice Speaker

Book A Virtual Social Justice Speaker

FAQsPlease provide a detailed description of your virtual show. This online class is interactive and interesting and is hosted by a supporter of social and food justice. Opening with the question of "Who has changed the world?" our host presents a list of some world-changers and what they accomplished; responses are shared in the chat and three to five participants are asked to unmute and share. She brings her passion for equality and building deep connections to everything she does. The theme of the entire workshop, "Small actions have a tremendous impact," is tied into this activity. The guided visualisation for this is to plant a sunflower seed, watch it grow, and picture it impacting the life of one person before spreading to everyone who passes by and then sees it on social media. Then to the birds, squirrels, bees, etc. Our host has recreated this concept through her philanthropic organisation, which planted sunflowers in memory of George Floyd to transform public places for neighbourhoods. A PowerPoint introduction on her community work, the programmes, the social impact, and the waves it has made in the neighbourhood follows. Our host is also a published poet and will share an original poem using growing plants as a metaphor for social change. After that, guests are invited to get out their grow kits; there will be a review of the contents and the overall goal, followed by a demonstration on how to assemble and care for the seeds. The host will demonstrate how to eat microgreens and show guests a kit that has fully grown. Can your programme be customised? A 10-minute Q&A session follows the presentation. Grow Kits can be advertised, or supply lists can be given so that participants can buy their supplies. Do you offer both pre-recorded and live-streamed shows? If shipped, our speaker needs addresses at least one month prior to the event. Both choices are accessible. To increase audience engagement, she would rather have the session take place in person. Where is your show set up, i.e., do you have a professional studio setup? I would need at least two months to prepare. How many cameras do you use in your virtual presentation, and how good of a quality are they? Our artist employs a professional studio setup where she has previously filmed. How much interaction is there with live audiences? The show includes a studio technician for sound and camera work. How does that function? By clicking "raise hand" at appropriate times, audience members can speak up, or they can participate in the chat. What platform do you prefer to utilise for your virtual show? Our host uses a moderator to oversee the discussion for her during the live session if there are numerous participants. Which additional media channels have you used? Do you have a technician who assists with the setting of your virtual show? Our speaker has experience with Google Meets, Streamyard, and Zoom. How long is your virtual show? A technician is on hand for the live stream recording. Do attendees require anything in order to participate in the 90-minute live workshop and/or the 10-minute promotional video? She can send a straightforward microgreens grow kit that includes a container, soil, seeds, and a spray bottle, along with printed cardstock that includes instructions and recipe ideas. Is there a minimum and maximum number of people that can participate in the show? The equipment would also come with a bonus package of sunflower seeds to extend the experience outside and strengthen the community connection/theme. She is only able to hand construct and mail so many Grow Kits. Are you willing to have a technical call or rehearsal session with the customer before the show? If she offers a supply list for attendees, the only restriction is the platform. Yes, provided there is at least a month's notice and the technical call is made from the same place as the show.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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