Book Interactive Giant Floor Piano

Book Interactive Giant Floor Piano

Book Interactive Giant Floor Piano

Our interactive large floor piano provides the same sensation and can be played anywhere in the world. It is based on the iconic moment from the 1980s movie Big where Tom Hanks discovers a giant floor keyboard in the centre of a toy store. A throng will undoubtedly assemble around the enormous musical instrument in anticipation of what will happen with the floor piano and to see if they may try their hand at playing. The gigantic musical instrument is sure to draw attention.
Our amazing combo performs an electrifying set while dancing and playing the foot piano. They've skillfully crafted a wonderful live presentation that expertly blends foot piano with dancing techniques. The enormous musical instrument is best played with feet. Audiences of all ages find the cutting-edge live performance to be intriguing to observe and totally distinctive.
The duo allows audience members to try out the interactive, enormous floor piano after the live performance. Kids of all ages like playing the foot piano and attempting to learn some of the songs the pair performed earlier.
This fantastic enormous musical instrument is a fantastic interactive entertainment choice that never ceases to astound audiences. The deftly built floor piano is simple to setup and disassemble and can be taken to any site worldwide to delight a variety of audiences.
Contact our team of entertainment experts, who are always delighted to assist, if you would like to reserve the fantastic interactive big floor piano for your event.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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