Book Roaming Selfie Robot Usa

Book Roaming Selfie Robot Usa

Book Roaming Selfie Robot Usa

This charming, conversational, 5' 3" mobile phone robot is great for mingling with visitors. For the current generation of social media addicts that adore posting about their adventures online, our roaming selfie robot USA is ideal. It is outstanding attention-grabbing trade stall entertainment and great for all kinds of events.
The enormous 19-inch full-color touchscreen on the Roaming Selfie Robot USA may be programmed to display the client's advertising materials, logos, taglines, and more. The interactive robot has a high-resolution camera that enables your guests to take selfies and share them right away via email, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook by pressing a button. Additionally, that function enables data collection, and visitors can brand the images and print them on-site.
The speech of this interactive robot is also manually controlled by an operator, but the operator speaks far enough away from the guests so that they do not notice. The advantage of having a person in charge of this mobile photo robot is their capacity for rapid, conversational, and occasionally humorous responses. The skillfully created interactive robot can animate its eyes and brows to give it human-like facial expressions. It also has a moving head and arms.
A striking element of any event is our Roaming Selfie Robot USA. The interactive robot will undoubtedly garner interest and spark conversation among the visitors. Great for trade stall entertainment through to private parties and much more.
Contact us at Bella Entertainment if you would like to book our attractive and state of the art interactive robot.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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