Book Roman Gladiator Performers

Book Roman Gladiator Performers

Book Roman Gladiator Performers

The audience can see a detailed glimpse of Roman life during the first century after Christ by watching this Roman Gladiator reenactment show.
The show features several gladiatorial fights, which are interspersed with very brief historical explanations and some professional female dancers. These gladiatorial fights, which are not the only attraction, are completely safe for their re-enactors, for the audience, and for the places where the show takes place.
The performers can bring to an event a full living history performance illustrating the lifestyle and abilities of the Roman gladiators, typically made up of 6–8 gladiators (including 2 women).
They provide a variety of extremely professional, thrilling, and instructive shows that annually amuse thousands of people all across Italy.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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