Book Silhouette Artist Barcelona

Book Silhouette Artist Barcelona

Book Silhouette Artist Barcelona

For any type of party, silhouette cutting is a widely desired activity by visitors, piqueing their interest and fostering a distinctive and memorable ambiance.
Igor, who lives in Barcelona, is considered as one of Spain's best silhouette artists since he has attained mastery in this uncommon and eternal art style. He cuts out the subject's profile photo in a matter of minutes using only scissors and paper, producing a lovely, intricate resemblance that is quite accurate.
You can't do better than this silhouette artist if you want an entirely original entertainment experience! Igor is ideal for a variety of occasions, such as weddings and charity balls. Trade fairs, team-building exercises, gala dinners, company dinners, and team portrait sessions are other occasions Igor is ideal for.
You can have your cards custom printed with your company name and logo for corporate events and exhibits.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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