Book Virtual Soap Making Workshop

Book Virtual Soap Making Workshop

Book Virtual Soap Making Workshop

FAQs1. In what ways would this workshop benefit me? This is a live event that will be broadcast through Zoom or another video conferencing system. Our presenter will provide a brief introduction, discuss the product you'll be manufacturing, and engage the attendees in conversation about her experience with natural cosmetics. The artist films the workshop with a Galaxy A20e camera phone, switching between having the camera facing her during discussions and having it focused on her hands and the workplace while she shows the attendees how to make soap. This makes the workshop very simple to follow because guests can see each stage clearly. The programme concludes with a brief discussion featuring further advice from our host and a Q&A session. Is this workshop participatory? Absolutely! Visitors are actively involved in manufacturing the soap or other self-care product during the class, and they are also invited to ask questions during the Q & A at the end. Are there any requirements for participants? No prior experience is necessary for visitors to participate in the workshop. They will just need a few pieces of simple equipment that are common in most homes (we will offer a list of what is needed before the workshop), as well as the ingredients, which, given enough notice, our host can have delivered directly to your guests' homes. The only other thing each visitor needs is a reliable wifi connection and a device to watch the session on. In your capacity as the host, you'll also require access to a video conferencing system that can hold your chosen number of attendees. How many people can sign up for the workshop at once? The workshop requires a minimum of five participants and a maximum of fifty. However, bigger class sizes will limit the amount of one-on-one time our host can spend with each participant. Can the programme be altered? Yes! In order to help you reach the goals you have for this session, our host will be pleased to suggest several goods. Making a cosmetic with a specific use in mind (such as soap, scrubs, etc.) or creating a product with a higher fun factor are two examples of this (like bath bombs). Additionally, many aromas can be found in products, such as lavender for relaxation or citrus for something more energising.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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