Book Virtual Zoom Cocktail Class

Book Virtual Zoom Cocktail Class

Book Virtual Zoom Cocktail Class

1. FAQs How does it operate? Our virtual cocktail class is broadcast live using Zoom or a comparable video conferencing system. Over the duration of the lesson, our skilled Flair Mixologist shows participants how to make up to four delectable cocktails. In addition to being educational, these seminars are also a lot of fun and jam-packed with entertaining bartending and magic tricks! В 2. How long are the sessions each? The number of cocktails you want to mix will ultimately determine how long the lesson lasts. We would suggest sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes so that attendees have enough time to make all four cocktails. 3. How many participants are allowed? В There is no restriction on the number of participants in this case; the video conferencing platform you choose will be the only one to set a minimum or maximum. However, we do advise designating a moderator for bigger groups to manage the discourse and unmute mics as necessary. We've all probably participated in conference calls where someone inadvertently talks over someone else, so our approach basically ensures that queries are delivered clearly. 4. Are there any requirements for participants? not specifically! Our mixologist provides a variety of choices and may advise you on the components you'll need to buy separately for the session. В The seminars may also include a segment in which our mixologist shows how simple kitchen tools may be utilised in place of expensive bar equipment. Cocktails may be made at home by anyone without the need for pricey bar equipment! How interactive is this? Definitely! 6. How can this experience be customised? Guests are actively involved as they learn how to mix the beverages and are free to ask questions regarding the techniques being taught during the class. This class can be customised in every way! The host can construct beverages with a certain theme in mind (such as Christmas, the Roaring Twenties, etc.), and you can select the cocktails you want to learn how to make as well as the number of cocktails you want to learn. Please inform us in advance so that we can include this in the quote!

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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