Saudi Presenter And Interpreter

Saudi Presenter And Interpreter

Saudi Presenter And Interpreter

an interpreter and Saudi TV host. Was raised in Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian kingdom's capital, where he finished his secondary education and distinguished himself from his contemporaries to enrol in Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University. His early desire of researching the mass of communication was realised there. He made a vow to his cherished mother that he would one day appear on the Saudi National TV as a TV anchor after seeing and being influenced by Peter Jennings and Larry King's TV shows. His boundless ambition brought him to the United States of America. He finished his Master's degree in Economic and Social Development at the esteemed Washington University located in St. Louis. Being fluent in English, he started his career at the Ministry of Culture and Information as the host of the programme Economic Horizons. Equipped with knowledge of both Arab and Western culture and ingrained academic knowledge, he flew back to his beloved country to impart his academic experience to the young. In his initial TV show, he had unmatched success. In the midst of this success, he also proudly conducted interviews with a number of world leaders, foreign ministers, Nobel Laureates, King Faisal Prize Laureates, and high-ranking individuals. He also served as one of the media pool for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince at the 11th G20 Summit in China in 2016. Because he previously participated in the media coverage of numerous occasions and visits by the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. He also serves as the master of ceremonies (MC) for a number of events and international conferences that take place both inside and outside the Kingdom. He recently took on a new challenge and entered a contest to host radio shows for Saudi Evenings, Daily Show, GCC View, and Open Hour. His unending ambition is to launch his own media project, which he hopes will be a valuable addition to the Saudi and Arab media, particularly for English speakers.

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