Suitcase Acro-Balance Act | Comedy Acrobat Berlin | Role Bola Act

Suitcase Acro-Balance Act | Comedy Acrobat Berlin | Role Bola Act

Suitcase Acro-Balance Act | Comedy Acrobat Berlin | Role Bola Act

The audience will be on the edge of their seats as this very talented acrobat and comedian performs a variety of gravity-defying tricks using some unique props!
Monsieur Chapeau creates a random tower out of boards and barrels in this mind-blowing show; even a bowling ball has a special place in this tower of dread! He will soar to incredible heights while juggling, performing handstands, jumping rope, and standing on top of this distinctly unsafe contraption. Audiences will watch in awe. He expertly overcomes not one, not two, but five piled barrels to complete this breath-taking balancing exercise, ending with a complex somersault to the ground!
There is no other balancing feat like this one in existence! This acrobat builds a pedestal out of his old suitcases and stacks five barrels on top of each other to make an incredible tower that will serve as the unsteady foundation for his astounding balance act. He displays his skills to his audience while perched atop this precarious tower, performing a few handstands and some highly challenging jump rope manoeuvres. When the structure mysteriously collapses beneath the performer's feet, the audience will gasp, and the performer will smile naughtily.
This thrilling and distinctive balancing act is perfect for gala events, corporate after dinner shows, family shows, theatres, and more. It is sure to captivate audiences of all ages!

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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