


Superkids Show is the only programme of its kind in the entire world, coming from the Kingdom of Denmark!
Superkids began as a conventional gymnastics and sports team many years ago, but with time the group transformed into an internationally recognised show ensemble, and as of today the show has travelled to more than 35 countries. Everywhere they tour, audiences of all ages, young and old, are awestruck; Superkids is a delightful activity for the entire family.
The performance is a fast-paced mash-up of gymnastics, dancing, singing, comedy, tumbling, and of course twists, double & triple summersaults on trampolines and other insane apparatus. The varied choreographies are supported by a stunning lighting design and an original soundtrack.
But at the heart of it all is the Superkids' zest for life; they adore performing, and every performance is a "high-flying" celebration. Superkids is an experience you never forget because of their unbridled delight and incredible skills.
There are 80 children in the Superkids squad overall, ranging in age from 6 to 18, and they take turns performing on tour. When on the road, Superkids also bring two or three more experienced performers from their "All Stars" program—previous Superkids with incredibly impressive abilities.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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