The Opera Trio

The Opera Trio

The Opera Trio

Introducing these trio of accomplished opera singers from United States. They come from all corners of the world, but they all possess strong musicianship, distinctive vocal styles that combine strength and femininity, and a profound passion for beautiful music. Even though their voices are distinct, they combine seamlessly to give even the most well-known and cherished melodies additional texture, harmony, and complexity. Their amazing, wide-ranging repertoire reflects their variety. From intense Neapolitan melodies, French chansons, Arabic tunes, and gorgeous and well-liked modern songs, through dramatic arias and lighthearted cross-over popular operas. The repertoire can be presented as an intricately staged ensemble or as a straightforward yet potent solo piece. The Opera Trio always delivers flawless performances with a polished elegance that embodies beauty, talent, presence, and the complete package.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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