Virtual Immune Boosting Cookery Class

Virtual Immune Boosting Cookery Class

Virtual Immune Boosting Cookery Class

What might I anticipate from the online masterclass? Your visitors will be taken on an instructive culinary journey by this virtual cooking masterclass, where they will learn the fundamentals of nutritional cooking and how to easily and simply include immune-boosting items into recipes. In addition to understanding a gradual approach to boosting their immune system and gut health, visitors will learn about the health advantages of specific food types aimed at maximising both physical and mental health. You will prepare three dishes for your visitors during the virtual masterclass, including an immune-boosting shot, an Asian-style mixed grain bowl, and avocado brownies. 2. How long is the master class going to be? The virtual session lasts an hour and a half on average, but our teacher is willing to negotiate other durations based on your needs. 3. What system will be used for this class? Our tutor prefers the Zoom platform, but she is willing to teach on other platforms as well if necessary. Please be aware that teams cannot participate in this masterclass. 4. Will my staff find the class entertaining and interactive? В Yes, our tutor will give a step-by-step tutorial while interacting with the visitors and responding to any queries they may have regarding the preparation of the healthy meal and nutrition-boosting foods. 5. What is required of the visitors to participate? Prior to the event, our tutor will email out a list of the necessary supplies and ingredients. These will be common household items and supplies. 6. Is there a cap on the number of guests who may attend? There can be up to 50 participants, with 4 being the minimum. Our immune-boosting specialist is happy to offer numerous workshops if you have a larger group.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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