Walkabout Act Venice | Carnival Themed Venice | Walkabout Acrobats Venice

Walkabout Act Venice | Carnival Themed Venice | Walkabout Acrobats Venice

Walkabout Act Venice | Carnival Themed Venice | Walkabout Acrobats Venice

Our stunning walkabout performers will amaze and entertain your guests, sparking a conversation and enduring memories. This high calibre act will bring the history, culture, and enthusiasm of the Venetian Carnival to your event in abundance.
These skilled performers will wow your guests with demonstrations of fire and contact juggling, acrobatics, and stilt walking while donning real Renaissance-style costumes with lavish detailing and stunning, complex masks.
This talented bunch of walkabout characters will give you a terrific performance that creates an engaging environment for a variety of occasions. They are wonderful entertainment that will set your event apart from the competition.
To learn more about hiring this exceptional act for your event, contact us right away.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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