Book Virtual Craft Beer Tasting

Book Virtual Craft Beer Tasting

Book Virtual Craft Beer Tasting

How does the virtual craft beer tasting process work? Visitors will be greeted by our beer-loving hostesses at the chosen video conferencing platform, Zoom. Following a brief introduction, the hosts will explore each beer in detail for about five minutes before fielding any queries and facilitating a group debate. Our virtual craft beer tasting is casual and laid-back, just like a bunch of friends catching up over a pint at the neighbourhood pub. It's interactive and educational. В 2. Is this event live or recorded in advance? Although our virtual craft beer tasting activity usually takes place live, recorded sessions are also an option. We advise going with a live stream because it allows for audience participation. We always employ high-quality video, audio, and lighting equipment for our beer tastings. 3. Are there any restrictions on the number of participants, both minimum and maximum? A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 people are advised. As a result, everyone can ask questions of our hosts while the conversation remains flowing. Alternative numbers, however, can be discussed. 4. What is required of visitors to participate? Glassware and beer are required for guests. For an extra fee, we may arrange for participants to receive a box of their choice of beers through the mail. This needs to be clarified and agreed upon at least three weeks before the online tasting.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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