Book Virtual Magician Joel USA

Book Virtual Magician Joel USA

Book Virtual Magician Joel USA

How does it operate? Joel's virtual magic presentation is a never-ending thrill experience that involves audience participation at every turn. Virtual Magician Joel asks everyone in the audience to think of a card right away and then foretells the card they will select. Joel then invites spectators to join in on every facet of the show by positioning them in the corner of the screen. By the time it's over, everyone in the audience has picked up a new trick. 2. Is this online magic performance live or recorded? Either. Joel has access to a professional home studio with top-notch sound and lighting, as well as a cameraman and technician on hand, where he may pre-record a show or play live. 3. How long is the magic show online? The typical live virtual performance by Virtual Magician Joel lasts about 60 minutes, however for maximum flexibility, presentations can be condensed to 3 minutes or prolonged to 90 minutes. В 4. Is it possible to customise the online magic show? Absolutely! Joel the Virtual Magician has delivered totally customizable virtual performances for Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and Apple in order to promote their businesses and goods. A minimum of two weeks before to the event, a fully customised virtual presentation must be discussed and confirmed. Anything else, please? You can trust that Virtual Magician Joel's interactive online magic shows are flawless because he has already delivered over 50 virtual shows for clients online. View Joel the Virtual Magician's live performance as well.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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