Italian Swing Band Bologna | Traditional Jazz Band Bologna | Corporate Entertainment Bologna

Italian Swing Band Bologna | Traditional Jazz Band Bologna | Corporate Entertainment Bologna

Italian Swing Band Bologna | Traditional Jazz Band Bologna | Corporate Entertainment Bologna

This eccentric jazz group from Bologna has been playing with great success at festivals, concerts, jazz clubs, private gatherings, and corporate events all throughout Europe for several years. They present a mix of traditional Italian swing and rock 'n' roll as well as unique compositions.
An upbeat, upbeat ambiance is created by crooning vocals and captivating rhythms, making it ideal for dancing the night away. They were inspired by the retro sound of the 1930s and developed their own distinctive style by fusing real jazz and rock 'n' roll with a dash of modernity to produce a brand-new sound that will keep dance floors crowded from the first song to the last.
This enthusiastic and endearing trio will guarantee the success of your event as they represent a fresh take on Italian rock & swing.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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