Virtual Chinese Tea Tasting Workshop

Virtual Chinese Tea Tasting Workshop

Virtual Chinese Tea Tasting Workshop

FAQs 1. What can I anticipate from the online tasting of Chinese tea? Experience a fun and instructive interaction with a renowned tea expert. The technique of making and pouring several Chinese tea kinds is covered in our online course on tea tasting. You can anticipate learning about the six different types of tea: green, white, yellow, oolong, black, and dark tea. The guests will choose one tea (5g) to taste, predict which category the tea falls under, and then share their ideas with the group to create a tasting profile. Our tea master will give a demonstration of how to make the tea and invite visitors to copy him. Online visitors will also see images of the tea garden where the tea is cultivated, maps of the areas, and discover the essential procedures in tea production. В Our knowledgeable host will also go into the background of tea, its health advantages, and suggest which tea to drink at what time of day and season. 2. Is this an in-person or recorded event? Our Zoom-delivered Virtual Chinese Tea Tasting events are live-streamed from the home of our host. 3. Just how engaging is this online game? Our virtual tea tasting offers a light level of real-time engagement while being educational, entertaining, and soothing. It's a great way to encourage good health and wellbeing online. It's a great way to celebrate Chinese culture online and works well for celebrations like the Chinese New Year. 4. How long is each tea tasting online? It takes about 1.5 hours. This activity is a brief introduction geared toward novices, although tea aficionados can also participate in longer sessions lasting 2.5 hours; more details are available upon request. 5. How many visitors are permitted? This virtual tasting activity can have between 5 and 50 participants. However, for the best connection and involvement, we advise a group of no more than 20 people. 6. What is required of guests to participate? Participants are need to bring a laptop or PC and a reliable internet connection, as well as mugs or cups. A tea brewing vessel and tea samples can be supplied to visitors in advance for groups of up to 20 people, however this comes at an additional fee. Instead, visitors will be given a list of tea samples they can order in advance. On request, additional details are available.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.


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